Competitive Edge Endorsements
“In this remarkable new book, The Competitive Edge, sport psychologist Dr. Jeff Brown helps readers explore their personal values as they are acquired, challenged, and refined over time through sport training and competition experiences. The seven principles he offers and elegantly discusses will be useful to those who seek to learn more about themselves and the game of life. Christians and people across faith orientations will find in this practical, readable book a treasure for now and years to come.”
Edward F. Etzel, Ed .D
Psychologist/Associate professor, West Virginia University
“The famous twentieth century journalist Heywood Broun said “Sports do not build character. They reveal it.” As a sport psychologist and member of the Boston Marathon Medical Care Team for many years, Jeff Brown helps fallen competitors understand the psychological complexity of winning versus losing.”
“In The Competitive Edge, Brown shows how the important qualities of character and integrity lead to winning not only in sports, but also in achieving life goals. The text is lighthearted, witty, and most importantly, insightful. This book is a winner.”
Marvin M. Adner, MD
Medical director, Boston Marathon 1978–2006
“Dr. Jeffrey Brown’s precise book about integrity and the human spirit is seamlessly universal and inspirational. I highly recommend this enjoyable, yet pensive, book.”
J. Michael Moncrief Actor, The Legend of Bagger Vance
“Life is a competition. We compete for everything, even the personal space we all deserve in this rush-hour world! The Competitive Edge will help you weed out the things in your life that wear black hats, it will help you eliminate the bad guys, and lead you down many years of Happy Trails. Even if you don’t come in first, you’re still a winner! I love this book!”
Roy Rogers Jr.President
Roy Rogers–Dale Evans Happy Trails Theater & Museum
“This is an important topic that doesn’t get discussed enough. In The Competitive Edge, Dr. Jeff Brown has nailed it. Winning without integrity is not winning. I know of no one better qualified to provide wisdom on this principle than Jeff Brown. I highly recommend this book.”
Frank J. Lofaro President and Chief Operating Officer
Christian Management Association
“Your integrity is your most valuable asset in today’s global marketplace, not to mention in your own home. While deception and sabotage make reality TV ratings soar, Brown reminds us that it’s integrity and character that pay off in the real world. In The Competitive Edge, Jeff Brown weighs in on the age-old clash between playing to win and playing fair, showing us that it is possible to do both.”
Sheila Heen Coauthor
Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most
“The Competitive Edge serves up some surprising insights that can benefit everyone from the pro athlete to the weekend warrior, from the exec in the office to the kid in school. A superb book that transcends its sports-based theme to offer valuable keys for living a better life, too.”
Jim Vitti
Author of The Cubs on Catalina, Southern Gold, A Little Piece of Paradise, and Publicity Handbook
“As a non-Christian sport psychologist, I approached Jeff Brown’s book with some hesitation, wondering how the combination of religious orientation and mental training techniques would work for someone like me. The ultimate irony was that his guide to maintaining integrity and staying in touch with core values became a useful road map for me as I struggled with the very question of how to honestly endorse a book when I could not fully embrace everything it had to say. That being said, I feel entirely comfortable and true in saying that this book will be very useful for both Christians and non-Christians alike.”
Kirsten Peterson Senior sport psychologist, United States Olympic Committee“The Competitive Edge offers a powerful message to those of us who seek athletic success while fulfilling God’s will and plan for our life. Jeff Brown offers a seven-principle plan that will enable you to achieve peak performance, fight the good fight, and finish the race.”
Ian McCaw Director of Athletics
Baylor University“Dr. Jeffrey Brown has crafted a great book for all people looking to balance a competitive spirit with moral and personal integrity. Having attempted to do this very thing on CBS’s Survivor, I am keenly aware of just how difficult a negotiation this balance can be. Life, like Survivor, is filled with moments that suggest: “Just this once, it’s not a big deal.” But in truth, compromising one’s values is always a big deal. Thanks to Dr. Brown’s book, I am more fully prepared to face these compromising situations with my integrity intact. Though this book is written from a Christian perspective, its message is applicable for anyone looking to compete in today’s society with a strong measure of integrity. It’s a refreshing reminder of how we were created to live.”
Austin Carty Contestant
Survivor: Panama–Exile Island“Dr. Jeff Brown identifies seven principles that are absolute necessities in living a life of character and integrity.”
Ron Wellman
Director of Athletics
Wake Forest University“The Competitive Edge is a must read for anyone who competes, whether in athletics, business, academics, or any other entity. The Competitive Edge will have a great impact on the way you view competition in today’s world. The principles in this book have changed the way I see competition in our culture.”
Rico Petrocelli
Petrocelli Marketing Group
Author of Tales from the Impossible Dream Red Sox“The Competitive Edge is an incredibly motivating book for anyone striving to succeed in this world. It will change your perspective on what it truly means to win and what each victory should and shouldn’t cost. Your integrity and overall character will be challenged for the better as you take in the wisdom and experiences offered to you by author Dr. Jeff Brown.”
Joe White President
Kanakuk Kamps“Through engaging stories and anecdotes, Dr. Jeffrey Brown offers a winning road map for athletes and other competitors. The tools of sport psychology, combined with central awareness of your values, character, and integrity, will give you the competitive edge.”
Dr. Kate F. Hays
Past president
Division of Exercise & Sport Psychology, American Psychological Association,
Founder and director, Toronto Marathon Psyching Team, Fellow, Association for Applied Sport Psychology, Author, Move Your Body, Tone Your Mood“Jeff Brown’s modern-day parables are valuable lessons we can all learn and abide by in the perpetual quest of bettering ourselves. The Competitive Edge reminds us that our day-to-day ambitions need to be examined and conform to the proper perspective of our overall lives. I am honored to issue my very own Letter of Authenticity and encourage readers of all faiths to indulge in such a fine compilation.”
James Spence Jr.
Autograph expert